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Submission Number: 197
Submission ID: 306
Submission UUID: 0aa8fffa-421e-4ffa-a875-3891481e39db
Submission URI: /2023/abstracts

Created: Thu, 07/27/2023 - 18:54
Completed: Thu, 07/27/2023 - 19:30
Changed: Thu, 08/17/2023 - 00:45

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Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Webform: Abstract
Title Ms.
Lastname Nqayi
Firstname zamansele
eMail [email protected]
Mobile +27825452880
Institution University of KwaZulu Natal
Biosketch Zamansele Nqayi is a registered PhD student in the Discipline of Developmental studies at UKZN. Her research interest is in African center knowledge systems. Her Masters research was on rites of passage for virginity testing in the 21 century. Her PhD research interest is in food security through indigenous African knowledge systems. She is a social worker, with over 5 years’ experience. Her experience has been mostly in community development and has worked in different organizations such as, her own private practice, the Department of Social Development, Age in action and Rural Education access Programme. Her area of work has been mostly in advocacy for the voiceless and youth development. She is currently working at the Maat Institute as a Project Coordinator. Ma’at Institute strives for Justice, order, harmony and Balance through Ubuntu. With Ma’at Institute there is a provision for online counselling, this is where Zamansele ensures there is community Wellness with a focus on Spirituality and Mental Health.
Is there a Second Presenter? Yes
Title Ms.
Lastname Madlala
Firstname Wenzile
eMail [email protected]
Mobile 0713113220
Institution University of KwaZulu Natal
Biosketch Ms Wenzile Madlala is pursuing her Masters’ degree in Social Work. Her topic is An exploratory study of psychosocial cultural experiences of African individuals during COVID 19 in Umzumbe. She is a Social Work mentor and a practitioner at the MA'AT Institute UKZN, with more than three years of work experience. Her expertise comprise community engagement and mental health. At MA'AT Institute she performs all three methods of social work, which include individual, group and community work.

Is there a Third Presenter? No
Title of Presentatation Challenges faced by MA'AT Institute therapists during COVID 19 and flood disasters
Theme Selection THEME 2: Building sustainable, resilient, and self-reliant communities through indigenous modalities, inter-sectoral collaborations, and partnerships
Subtheme TWO Selection SUB 2.4 Strengthening religious and spiritual structures in responding during and after adverse events
Select your Presentation Type Oral Presentation
Abstract Covid 19 and the KwaZulu Natal flood disasters have had a profound effect in the provision of psychosocial support in MA’AT Institute therapists. This paper investigates the challenges and experiences faced by the MA’AT Institute therapists who provided psychosocial support while affected by the societal stressors of Covid 19 and the Flood disasters. In writing the paper a semi structured questionnaire was used, as a self-interview guide to gain insight on the experiences of the therapists during Covid-19 and flood disasters. The impact of Covid `19 and floods resulted in an investigation around mental health and wellbeing of the therapists; having work/life boundaries, connectivity issues and the therapists being prone to teletherapy which was a new intervention method in psychosocial support for the therapists. The concept of therapy is used in a sense relating that therapy was used by all persons, not only those who are predisposed to to Western methods of working. During Covid 19 and Flood disasters the support provided by the MA’AT Institute therapists included Individual therapy, group work and community work. The provision of psychosocial support by the MA’AT Institute therapists, was adequate support to meet the needs of the services users despite the societal stressors.
Title Dr
Firstname Varoshini
Lastname Nadesan
Does the Abstract fit the selected Theme? Yes
What Area does this Abstract Focus on? Empirical Research
Status Accepted
Title Dr
Firstname Thabisa
Lastname Matsea
Does the Abstract fit the selected Theme? Yes
What Area does this Abstract Focus on? Empirical Research
Status Accepted

2023 Conference
