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Submission Number: 61
Submission ID: 61
Submission UUID: d4d44bc5-bfc2-47a5-8d07-4c632c4ce06c
Submission URI: /2023/abstracts

Created: Thu, 05/25/2023 - 10:28
Completed: Thu, 05/25/2023 - 10:37
Changed: Mon, 08/07/2023 - 21:31

Remote IP address: 2c0f:f4c0:1044:a5bc:1443:8d99:cd83:4b79
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Webform: Abstract
Title Mr.
Lastname Matthews
Firstname Clifford
eMail [email protected]
Mobile 0726864724
Institution SACAP
Biosketch I am a social worker that has been in the field for 30 odd year. I have a BA Social Work from Wits ( a four year degree) and an Honours In Psychology.
Most of my work has been in the psychiatric environment, in Crisis and Trauma Intervention and for the past 6 years in the field of substance abuse in a private rehabilitation centre.
Is there a Second Presenter? No
Title of Presentatation Gender based violence of substance abusers during the Covid 19 pandemic
Theme Selection THEME 1: Promoting stakeholder partnerships that protect, support and enhance resilience during adverse events and trauma
Subtheme ONE Selection SUB 1.1The role of psychosocial services during adverse events and resultant trauma from a Human rights perspective
Select your Presentation Type Workshop Presentation
Abstract The presentation will address the manner in which Gender Based Violence manifested during the Covid 19 pandemic in relation to people with substance abuse disorder.
The content is rather more experiential than research driven with the use of case studies to illustrate major content.
Title Prof
Firstname Roelf
Lastname Reyneke
Does the Abstract fit the selected Theme? Somewhat
What Area does this Abstract Focus on? It is unclear if this will be a workshop or a paper. Abstract does not provide evidence of what the presenter are going to present.
Status Rejected
Title Prof
Firstname Thulane
Lastname Gxubane
Does the Abstract fit the selected Theme? Somewhat
What Area does this Abstract Focus on? Practice
Status Accepted

2023 Conference
