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The vision of the association shall be: To be the leading association in the promotion of social work education, training and research in South Africa in collaboration with the international community in pursuit of enhanced psychosocial functioning of individuals families, groups, organisations and communities, and of human rights, social justice and equality of all the people of South Africa.


The mission of the association shall be: "To maintain and support a community of social work educators who are committed to the continuing development of social work education, training, research and practice in South Africa". In pursuing its mission and vision the association aims to:  
- Facilitate collaboration and exchange of information on social work education, training research and practice with relevant networks (governmental and non-governmental) on national, regional and international levels.  
- Develop strategies that enhance the recognition of social work as a profession.  
- Promote recognition of the contribution of social work to social and economic development and to the transformation of South African society.  
- Support the development of appropriate and locally specific research, theory and practice. Contribute to the development and implementation of social welfare and education policies in the South African context.